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NODRIZA tech is a signatory of this pact. Through it we consolidate our respect for human and fundamental rights. We promote gender equality, we support freedom of affiliation and the effective recognition of the right to collective negotation, the eradication of child labor, the elimination of forced labor and the abolition of any type of discrimination.
We are members of the Asociación de Franquiciadores de Aragón, of which we are part of the board of directors and coordinate the marketing committee. In this association we work to promote the role of franchisors of Aragon, in order to create sustained and scalable business models that can cross the borders of Aragon and position themselves nationally.
We are an active part of the Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios de Aragón. We are on the board of directors of the same with the objective of potential network of companies in the community, empower young talent and create value relationships with other companies, organizations and institutions.
We have collaboration agreements and agreements with entities such as Universidad San Jorge, Universidad de Zaragoza, ESIC, Escuela Superior de Diseño and FEUZ. The objective is to facilitate the labor access of students and newly graduates through internship programs in which we are active mentors of young people.